Fiber detail measurement |
Fiber width measurement |
Detailed fiber angle measurement |
Detailed measurement of fiber dispersion |
Mesh generation for finite element analysis |
Fiber angle detail measurement option TRI/3D-FBR-ANGL
The fiber is divided by the unit length given from the outside, and the orientation direction
and degree of orientation are measured in detail. 3D Orientation Formula : (3<cos^2α>-1)/2
α: Angle formed three-dimensionally with reference axis
2D Orientation Formula : 2(<cos^2β>-0.5)
β: Projected on the cross section, the angle formed with the reference axis
length-weighted mean of cos^2α for individual fibers in the ROI
It can be said that the larger the value of the degree of orientation,
the parallel to the reference axis. ▲Orientation change in depth direction |